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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Springbok, ZA to Fish River Canyon, NM

So today we entered Namibia. We have heard and read so much about this country. How it used to be a German colony and how its government today is ruled by a tribe that survived better the colonization than another tribe which was nearly annihilated in a fierce battle with the Germans. A country very sparsely populated with a unique landscape shaped by a very harsh ocean and a desert.
We had a very nice breakfast and left Springbok. Usually breakfasts in South Africa have been very well served as South Africans have taken upturn tradition of big breakfasts from the English. We had about 100Kms to do before getting to the border.
The border crossing was uneventful and we were very well treated on both sides. The only surprise was a tax, that one has to pay to travel on Namibia roads. As there is no visa required, it was fine to spend the money (about 12€ for the bike) to go towards the roads.
One of the first things we noticed was the difference in features between the indigenous South Africans and the Namibians. The latter are better looking and have sharper features. We also felt more humbleness and better service so far.
Our stop for the night was in a lodge 25Kms from the Fish River Canyon, which is the largest canyon in Africa and the second largest in the world, losing only to the Grand Canyon in the USA.
To arrive there we had to do over 100kms on dirt road. No problem for the bike but the wind was very strong and temperatures reached over 40C so I had to stop to hydrate so I could keep up the energy and concentration level.
This was Paula´s first time driving on a dirt road. She was a champ and quickly learned that it is all about slow and no jerky movements.
We arrived at our destination and were quite impressed by it. It is set in the middle of a boulder park with different size boulders all around. Our specific lodge has a rock as one of the walls (in the bathroom). The inside with the net over the bed was magic. Top accommodations, great food and great service. 5*s all around.
After freshening up we took the car and went to see the sunset at the Fish River Canyon. It is a grand sight. Difficult to explain or even show pictures. One has to be there to fully experience nature at its grandest.
The sunset was spectacular !
We then made our way back to the lodge where a feast waited for us for dinner.
No internet meant we were early in bed and we were able to fully rest from another magic day.

Make Life a Ride !

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